The idea behind Wise Woman Wednesday is this:
We live in a culture that is not designed for women to succeed with ease. Yet women, when we awaken to the feminine within us, and begin to live the feminine as She moves through us, embody something vital that must be lived in the world. In order to bring forth our wisdom and nature into the world, we must support and amplify each other’s voices and hearts, because our culture isn’t yet set up to really do this. We’ve been graced with the Internet as a way to bring forth our voices into the world. And it is my joy to share women on Wise Woman Wednesdays whose wisdom and voices I wish to amplify with great love.
Today, on Wise Woman Wednesday, we’re…
Tanya is a wonderful friend and a colleague who does just that – she champions women. She is wise. She is generous.
Tanya steadfastly stands for women to step into their life’s work – whatever that work might be.
I first met Tanya in person at the World Domination Summit, the first year it was held in Portland, Oregon. Meeting Tanya in the flesh was something I’ll never forget. Her warmth and enthusiasm are contagious. And her ability to listen on so many levels is evident the moment you enter into a conversation with her. She listens with every cell of her body. That is an important skill for a coach.
We’ve come to share many experiences, one of which was speaking at the Isfeld TEDx Women event in Courtenay, British Columbia. Tanya spoke about the Imposter Complex, something she’s taken to a whole new level in how she helps women identify and move through it. I remember how we both woke up early that morning before we were to speak. We were staying in the same condo, and so we came out into the kitchen together to have coffee, and talk quietly so as not to awaken others sleeping. We ended up sitting on the kitchen floor laughing like crazy about something.
Tanya, and our rolling-on-the-floor laughter, were the medicine I needed to calm my pre-speech nerves.
A few days ago, I surprised Tanya by telling her I was to feature her here today. We recorded this audio because it seemed like the very best way to share and amplify Tanya’s voice in the world.
If you are looking for a coach to work with, I have personally experienced Tanya’s coaching. She is a superb coach. She coaches many coaches.
And, Tanya’s program Step Into Your Starring Role is currently open for registration. I am not an affiliate. I don’t receive any monies for sharing her work. I receive the joy of knowing you now know of Tanya. We offer similar programs for women. We both want women’s voices to be heard in the world. And I know that Tanya might be just the right woman for you to work with. When you choose a coach, or a coaching program, the most important thing is finding resonance with your coach.
Make Wednesday a Wise Woman day, and amplify a woman, or many women, you know. Let’s support each other and amplify women’s voices into this world, a world thirsty for women’s deep wisdom.

I give thanks for you every day. Every.Single.Day.
And today, I’ll thank you for this gift.
Wonderful to get to know Tanya a bit and touching to hear her talk about her mother/grandmother. I am so grateful to the women who came before me. Interesting, too, because I’m working on a series of stories and interviews called “Everyday Sages & Wise Ones.” Wisdom is in the air!
Oh @Patty…how rich that series will be.
Yes, I often speak of my mother and grandmother fondly, but somehow Julie always manages to take me to a new place of remembering. And gratitude.
I’m so glad you enjoyed our conversation. I most certainly did.