Wow. I’ve been blogging, now, for over six years. During much of that time, my posts were sporadic. I remember feeling like I was doing something very cutting edge in 2004. I remember feeling so vulnerable putting my thoughts and experiences out there for everyone to see.
My first blog was a typepad blog that I started on April 29, 2004. In fits and starts, I posted every now and then about the work I was doing with women and creativity. I then used it to chronicle my trip in 2006 and 2007 in India, where I was so very lucky to tour with Amma, spend four days soaking up the wisdom of the Dalai Lama, travel through the Indian countryside, and spend a week in Varanasi, the oldest continually inhabited city in the world.
Then life happened, as life is always doing. But this life was full, so full that things like blogging seemed to take a back seat to what was important. I couldn’t blog about my mother’s journey with cancer. It was too personal, too much her story. But, as she moved toward the final months of her life, I could feel myself moving into a new phase of my life, so I birthed Unabashedly Female in February of 2008.
I’m not much of an early-adopter. No, that’s not entirely true. But in the case of video, it’s entirely true. I haven’t wanted to vlog, for whatever reason. I see I’m not alone. With a push from Mark Silver , and watching how deeply he dove in, I decided to give it a whirl (sans the Fearless Karaoke ala Natalie Peluso.
For me, it’s about noticing the places where I want to leap, AND where my feet feel cemented to the ground.
So here goes. Here’s my first vlog. It’s not wild and crazy. It’s not gonna shake up the world. Yet, something is freed up inside me by being seen this way. Something is set free by doing something for the first time.
Let me know what you think. Now that I’ve posted this, maybe I’ll even post some of my videos of Ireland… Who knows what my next first will be?!

Such a wonderful treat to hear your beautiful voice and see your face along with your words. I’ve got mixed feelings generally about the vlog medium – but I loved listening to you this morning. And I needed the message – simple as it was. Needed to hear that the world needs the authentic me. Gives me courage to take some steps that feel raw and risky, but oh so right – some steps that quiet voice has been urging me to take. I didn’t listen at first, and the voice had to shout a bit, but I am listening now – and I appreciate the encouragement to keep listening. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
Thanks, Renae! I look forward to sharing, and to someday hearing your voice, either virtually or in person!
I vote for in person. And a sooner rather than later someday.
Well then, we’ll just have to make that happen! I’d love to meet sometime very soon…
I love that you’re message is about the authentic you, and that you’re sharing this message in a way that lets us see additional parts of you — practicing what you preach, eh? !!
CV! So great to see you here! Yes, I guess so. Authenticity. I yam what I yam…
Thank you. Truly wonderful to see the live person – at least virtually – that Chris has spoken so wonderfully about.
I actually may be at point where you were 6 years ago! Will keep you posted.
I’m so glad you stopped by and shared a comment. Thank you for your very kind words. I’d love to know more about where you’re at and what’s happening…please do keep me posted!
Lovely, Julie.
As you know, I’m new to blogging and I take a while to sit with and then write. It doesn’t come easy or quick. There is an appeal to the VLOG, as others have commented – we see and hear and have a different, perhaps fuller “felt sense” of you, your authenticity, your heart and grace.
Congratulations for taking the leap. And I appreciate your message – it aligns with a soon to post piece.
Thank you for your comment. I’m glad the vlog is resonating. It feels good to be trying something new. I look forward to your post. I’ll come by to check it out.
Lovely to see your warm, compassionate, wise face! And I can’t wait to hear about the courses you’ll be offering!
Thank you. OOOh. I’m glad I stirred up some interest!
Dear Julie,
I’ve lately been in touch with Heidi Stern — part of my path of connecting to women. I finally connected who you are to my past and it is so lovely! You are Julie MacDonald Daly. I am so very proud of you for all that you have done to build the life you have now. It is inspirational to me at a time when I could not need it more. Your words connected with me initially. The vlog has been a truly wonderful next step. Thank you so much. I am trying to learn to draw strength from my own breath. Your words and voice and easy way of talking has been good for me,
well, well, well. this is just lovely. and inspiring. and that lipstick is the perfect shade for you. i like it – the vlog, i mean. (well, the lipstick, too, actually.) i like it a lot. and if i can find a way to make a yin-yang cloud talk, maybe i’ll do a vlog, too;) “living from a position of truth.” i like that, too. xo
I’m very happy about your vlog too, and happy to hear you will be offering classes in 2011!