Happy Wednesday!
We’re already having stormy weather here in Northern California. The rain pounded so hard against my window last night, I thought it was going to pour through the glass. Very unusual weather for this time.
Making Time for What Matters with Britt Bravo
Today, I have a guest post over at Britt Bravo’s blog, Have Fun, Do Good. I’m really happy to have had the opportunity to write this post on Making Time for What Matters, as part of Britt’s series by the same name. In writing the post, I discovered something really important:
“Writing this post has been an illuminating process. From the outside, it seems like a fairly straightforward idea…how I make time for what matters. But, as I sat with the question of what really matters to me, I realized, over time, that what matters isn’t anything I do, it is who I am being, and how I relate to life when I do whatever it is I do.
Below are qualities of being that bring me peace and a resonance with life as it unfolds.”
I’d love to know which qualities of being allow life to unfold with more ease for you.
About Britt:
“I’m a blogger, podcaster, and blog coach for artists, writers, entrepreneurs and do-gooders. I’m also a big vision consultant who loves to help people find and express their calling. When I’m not blogging, I love to cook, collage, write letters, interview big visionaries, and bring groups of people together, online and offline. I offer the Juicy Blogging e-course four times a year. You can learn more my work at www.brittbravo.com, and connect with me on Twitter at @BBravo.”
If you are interested in blogging, or want to get juicier with your blog, check out Britt’s Juicy Blogging e-course.
The Whole Woman
I’m busy preparing to teach the first evening of my new course, The Whole Woman, at The Teahouse Studio in Berkeley tomorrow evening, October 6th. If you live in the Bay Area or know women who do, there’s still time to register and join us.
I’m excited about the course.
- If you’ve been feeling a nudge to look inside, wondering who you are and what you’re here for, this course is for you.
- If you have a challenge in front of you, or a big decision to make, then the tools we’ll be covering will help support you in this time.
- If you know you’re not living your truth, yet don’t know what that truth is, or even how to begin to shift how you’re living, come join us.
Many women are finding themselves being called to let go of who they’ve thought they were, in order to discover the truth of their being. It is time for us all to discover what is real and to live it with love and compassion for ourselves.
You may sense the course is right for you, but may be afraid to dive in – if so, don’t worry, you won’t be alone. We all feel a certain amount of fear about change, especially when we step into it willingly.