When someone deeply listens to you,
your bare feet are on the earth and
a beloved land that seemed distant
is now at home within you.
~ John Fox
Sometimes, we tell our stories to hear ourselves say what we need to say. And, sometimes we tell our stories in order to be heard. When we are heard, deeply heard, healing can happen.
Just the other day, this happened to me. I shared a story from my life with someone I love and trust. It was a very painful experience. This person ‘heard’ me – she really heard me. You know how you know when someone hears you? Something clicks. They get it. You’ve connected.
Something happened inside me when she connected with me. I could feel it happen. I could feel the healing. It was as if I let go of something that had been hanging around for a long, long time.
Thoughts can become deeply entrenched within us, intertwined with our identity. The stories we make up out of these thoughts want to be heard, they want to be believed, they want to be listened to and understood. And when they finally are, they release.
When this happened for me, it was as if I relaxed back into this beloved land, this home within me. I settled in. I sighed. Whatever had been yearning to be heard was liberated, and I felt my bare feet on the earth, once again.
Is there something within you that is yearning to be heard? Is there a story that needs to be voiced to someone you trust, someone you know will honor your words with rapt attention and reverence?
Find this someone. Tell this story. Ask to be deeply listened to.
Photo by ashley rose,  Some rights reserved