Forsaken Voices



Audio version is below.

Forsaken Voices


Like a river
deep underground
pushed down into the depths
where they can’t be known
in the light of day
these forsaken voices
like clear-pooled water
collect together
woven in rivulets
meander through time
waiting for something
waiting for someone


How rich is this water
generations of heartache
lineage of wisdom
matrilines of power.
I am the river,
in this time
there is no other outlet
no other mouth
no other gateway
for these forsaken voices.


Generations of damming
centuries of cast-down eyes
ears grown cold
mouths sewn shut
and repeated lies told
the pressure pushes back against
walls too tired to hold.


When I am still, quiet, and alone
these forsaken voices
stir the marrow of my bones.


Deeper than the water
runs the grief untold
no one soul can tolerate
the pain of women who’ve come before
and told to suffer it alone.
My mother, her mother, her mother, and her’s before
still woven like a river
gather underground
pool together in wisdom circles
where seeds of light collect
knowing spring
one day will come.


I lie in bed
signs of pleurisy all around
water pooling, collecting
in my lungs only to be known
when the grief takes hold
seeds deeply rooted in lungs
that reach back to
generations untold.


These forsaken voices
buried deep underground
can only breathe through
flesh and blood daughters
who now live in their lungs
breathing light into cells
waking oxygen
where none has been known.


I am the river
my sisters and I pool together
our collective voices now ready
to irrigate our parched world
with deep blue love from
aquifers too-long guarded


It is time to speak of
cool waters of knowing
deep rivulets of wisdom
flesh plump with blood.


There can never be wholeness when voices are silenced.
There can never be peace without dignity for all.



Image is ‘Donau-Seitenarm’  by Konstantinos Dafalias, Creative Commons 2.0
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