Wild Child Update


“Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing.  Her name is Wild Woman, but she is an endangered species.  Though the gifts of the wildish nature come to us at birth, society’s attempt to “civilize” us into rigid roles has plundered this treasure, and muffled the deep, life-giving messages of our own souls.  Without Wild Woman, we become over-domesticated, fearful, uncreative, trapped.” ~Women Who Run with the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D.

Yes, we have the gifts of this wildish nature at birth. And, we are conditioned out of them.

I was a wild child…and then I learned to be very careful and very cautious. I wrote about this in a post titled, Wild Child. I shared it as a guest post. And, I forgot to tell you…


I realized this when another woman I follow and love, Amanda of Kind Over Matter, posted her Friday’s Lovelies and included my post, Wild Child. I could see that more people would know about this post…a post I really love, that feels like a deep soulful dive into the essence of this woman’s journey…yet, I still hadn’t told you.

So, I’m rectifying this.

Wild Child was part of the Oh These Wild Women series at Roots of She, a site by Jenn Gibson.

I love this post, because in writing it, I tapped into something very deep and old, something wise and wild and free…exactly what Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D. writes about. Upon finishing the post, some things have become more clear. I’ve even decided to return to Hana for my birthday in a few weeks, to reconnect with the land.

Both Roots of She and Kind Over Matter. They’re two beautiful sites that contain a bounty of beauty and fun for you to savor.

If you read Wild Child, I’d love to know what you think. There are already some beautiful comments there. You can add to the conversation by leaving a comment there, here, or both places.

With gratitude,


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3 Replies to “Wild Child Update”

  1. Hello dear Julie,
    My wild child went into deep hibernation as I was born. I describe my birth awakening as “coming out of the womb wearing high heels. As a child of the fifities, my role was clearly defined to be my mother’s happiness maker, and keeper.
    Then, my most peaceful, authentic and engaged moments were as I lay in my carriage, looking at the leaves on the trees, the sky, the spaces in between and later, as a girlchild, free dancing alone to the music on the stereo.
    I’ve spent many years retrieving, reclaiming and growing comfortable with my wildness. Trees and dancing continue to be ways in, so too process painting, mountain hiking, being on the water, bicycle riding and writing. I know there is more.
    In addition to Estes illuminating and affirming rally, I love the quote by Florinda Maxwell Scott: “I grow more intense as I age.” That to me speaks of the wildness I, we, and our beloved Earth needs.
    Thank you, again, for evoking my recollection and response.

  2. Aloha Julie…ahhhhhh. Thank you so much for sharing “Wild Child”. As women, we ARE extensions of Mama Earth – it’s our nature that we Are nature. And when we are in that natural essence, we have such wisdom to share. You expressed our connection and nature so exquisitely. Mahalo for this beautiful gift today.

  3. Hi Julie – I did read it and it has stayed with me all week. I find my mind wandering back to it each day. So wise/real/true. And serendipitous for me. About a month ago I had a session with a client where there was a moment when our wild women met. Hard to articulate it now, but very powerful. Immediately afterwards a poem came pouring out of me – Wild Woman Calling. A few days later I picked up Clarissa’s book to read again, then discovered a group of women meeting monthly to discuss it. So I went, and it was wonderful. A few more days passed and I discovered Roots of She and the Wild Women series. Then finally, your post. Truly, something is in the air.

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