You Chose For You


Put it down.

Put it all down.

Stop fighting.


It is the way it is.

You did it.

You were scared shitless and you did it.


Breathe, again.

You are here.

You’ve survived…and you’re not diminished one damn bit.

While the voices in your head tell you otherwise,

You chose for you.

Never believe again, even for one second, that you are powerless.

While the voices out there would love for you to believe that you are,

they are wrong.

Be with your self.

Trust your heart.

Let it all go.

Be with,

Stay with,



“heart-shaped candlelight” by Zolivier. Some rights reserved

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17 Replies to “You Chose For You”

  1. You did it – yes. You are doing it. You chose for you, you choose for you. You stay with your self, regardless of how scary, how hard, how exhausting it is. You lay down your burdens and kiss the ground in a thousand ways of goodness. And I couldn’t love you more.

  2. This is so powerful it takes my breath away. It is like the gentle breeze that you turn into that becomes the gust of air that makes you gasp. Thank you!

  3. Be with,
    Stay with,

    Thank you for this beautiful reminder. I just might keep repeating this one to myself as a rally cry. 🙂

  4. Pingback: altars all around

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