I sit in silence, open, waiting, still
I whisper, Yes.
Love comes.
Love reveals itself,
Offers itself, over and over.
Waves of love
Crashing onto the shoreline of my heart.
The world is not as I think it is.
This ocean of love,
infinitely vast and deep
calls me to its shoreline
and asks me to enter in.
I don’t know what to do with this much love,
Except be still and receive.
Tears fall.
Body fills.
Silence thickens and stills.
I tremble as love finds its way into me.
It makes its way along the edges I’ve used to define myself,
And in its wake the edges fray and soften.
Lines blur.
Definition grows watery.
All dissolves.
Image by Rudy A on Flickr Some rights reserved

Oh my goodness. The edges…they’re gone…
Blissful…………… love is………………… everything.
I become more and more convinced of this with each passing day.
Love to you, Julie ~
Love to you, Nikki!
Sitting here
Receiving love
Answering a call from within
Saying yes
Over and over
Breathing from my belly
Relief and joy
All at once
Heals my tired body
Now awake
And full of life
Abundance is all around
It always was
It always is
And always will be, too
This is so beautiful.
Thank you for sharing it here with all of us.
in pleasure.
thank you for this expression.
Thank you, Barbara.