The Land of the Goddess
As you may have noticed, I’ve been absent from posting here. I’ve been on a journey, exploring the wild land and sacred sites of Ireland.
In my readings of Ireland, I discovered that many speak of Ireland as the Land of the Goddess. I’m discovering what that means. It seems to me that the earth itself is the land of the goddess, but we’ve been visiting the land to come to know it.
My intention was to post here when I arrived, and throughout my trip. For one reason, then another, each time I attempted to post from my new iPhone 4 and wireless keyboard, something has gotten in the way of my posts finally making it to publication. I’ve just let this be, as it seemed too much to fight what seemed to be asking me to simply let go of work and surrender to simply being in, and with, this beautiful country and countryside.
The night before last, we drove into Lisdoonvarna, a small town in the western part of County Clare, a place that is also a gateway to the Burren.
Connemara and Croagh Patrick
We then drove through Connemara, amazing countryside, the beauty of which brought tears to my eyes. We arrived in Westport last night, prepared to hike up the sacred mountain today, Croagh Patrick.
This mountain is dedicated to St. Patrick, and many climb to the top as a pilgrimage to this holy Saint.
I have read that, prior to Christianity coming to Ireland, this mountain was considered to be the mountain of the Great Mother. I’m looking forward to climbing it and experiencing what’s there.
St. Brigid
We’ve seen so many beautiful and ancient, sacred sites. One place in particular, really moved me… the town of Kildare, which is home to the Cathedral of St. Brigid and the flame that was kept alive for hundreds and hundreds of years by women dedicated to what St. Brigid held dear and dedicated her life to.
The woman who now keeps the flame burning is Sister Mary. We had the opportunity to call on her, in her home that is an open home, dedicated to spreading St. Brigid’s work. It was an honor to meet Sister Mary and to be in the presence of the flame of St. Brigid.
The presence there was beautifully palpable with a sense of healing and nourishment. I felt ‘full’ when I left, full in a way that is hard to describe. I felt no more wanting nor needing to find that which will fill me up.
After Kildare, we drove to Cobh, where one of my great, great grandfathers left for America. Unexpectedbly, I was moved to tears when I arrived there. I felt a connection to generations past, and felt a sense of what it must have been like to leave his homeland and come to a place so big and vast, so foreign.
We’ve been in the eastern, southern, and now the western parts of Ireland. I have many stories to share with you, which I’ll do in the coming weeks and months, for I know what I’m experiencing bere will only deepen within me.
If you’re interested in seeing pictures, join me on Facebook (Juliemdaley) or Twitter (juliedaley), to enjoy some of these postings.
With great love,

i loived in england for over 12yrs and never made it to ireland. still on my list to visit one day.
but, the land in england was SO full of energy. i was overhwelmed at first. there is so much history and past mystical events.
anyway, nice to meet you, this is a gorgeous site.
Thank you for your gracious compliments about the site. I’m glad you’re here!
And thank you for sharing about England and the energy there. I felt a bit overwhelmed with it, too, in Ireland. So intensely beautiful…and mystical. I hope to see you visiting again.
Blessings to you.
oh, darlin. i am moved to tears just reading this. you. sister mary. st. brigid. tending the flame. yes.
It’s a pretty remarkable thing, those sisters keeping her flame alive for so many centuries… we are here to do the same. xo
hi julie
here i am, finally
thanks for sharing this.
ireland is a special place for me because my father loves the irish. i wasn’t born yet and he was there back, back in time….. he said they were the only people who were not racist towards him despite being near an England that was not so forgiving of one’s color despite having colonized so many parts of the world….
it was also hear where he met the most heartful friends and based upon someone’s daughter decided to also name me annie.
on my parents 25th anniversary he took my mother to ireland of all places. and even tracked and located the woman who had sublet him an apartment!
i have yet to go…but i do know i have yet to meet one irish person who is not just delightful….
many years ago, in college i did a huge research paper on the irish revolution. am very familiar with the history.
suffice it to say—ireland is a special gem.
i am learning a whole different angle about it via your posts! thanks for sharing.
Wow. What a history between you and Ireland. Thank you for sharing such rich stories about your father’s, and your, relationship with this beautiful land. I’m glad you are here and I look forward to writing and sharing my experiences, knowing you are reading them.