A softness that defies language.
An unutterable tenderness.
To touch it requires complete and generous receptivity,
an awareness that is feather-light.
I’m beginning to know this place within,
this place that opens with the
touch of Grace and my
willingness to be loved.
Completely undressed I sit,
In silence I wait with
open heart and a willingness
to let my longing be known.
In this subtlest of subtle places,
I hear the whispers of this woman’s heart.
To do so requires me to leave everything I know
at the threshold into this world.
I am nobody special here,
in fact quite the opposite.
I am ordinary, undressed, and open
simply waiting to return home.
In that ordinary, unadorned silence and openness is beauty and tenderness and love that is indeed special beyond words.
Just beautiful Julie, as always. I am embracing my willingness to be loved and long to let go of my ideas of self importance. This really spoke to me. Thank you.
“that opens with the/touch of Grace and my/willingness to be loved.” soft. tender. whispers. yes, my friend. yes. once again we see the simplicity of the profound.