Women loving women.
Women trusting women.
Women healing women.
Learning to trust and love women has been a long journey for me. I’ve fought it and I’ve longed for it. Along the way, I have been a lot of things…sometimes kind, sometimes not; sometimes forgiving and deeply caring, sometimes jealous, undermining and a whole host of things part of me would rather not acknowledge, but nonetheless are true.
Learning to really love means meeting ourselves in places we’ve hidden away. I am grateful for the friends who’ve been straight with me about my behavior, both light and dark.
Through all of these experiences, I have come to know this:
There is a unique love that women have for each other. Opening to and embodying this love will change your world, which in turn will heal our world.
When I speak of this love to the women in my life, they acknowledge this love. They know this love, yet it’s seldom spoken about in the culture. It’s a powerful force. When women come together in love, we recognize our power together. When women come together in love, life heals. When women come together in love, we are no longer so easily shamed and or see ourselves as powerless.
It is high time we come together in love. Life beckons us to this love, to heal that which keep us from knowing it.
Leap Day call
The other day, just last week, I hosted a leap day call. On the call, I spoke of how each of us is sacred…every cell, every atom is sacred. And, I spoke of really seeing each other, how doing this is so healing for us all.
When I, a woman, truly and deeply see you, another woman, this love pours forth; love for ourselves and our womanhood, and love for each other. This love then flows out to all of life.
I held the call on Wednesday afternoon. When it was done, I was elated. I felt like I had shared something that really wanted to move through me. I reflected on the comments of the women on the call. They shared both pain and joy, fear and inspiration.
Something healed right then and there on the call. I could feel a healing within myself from participating in the call, from sharing my wisdom. I could feel a healing within myself from taking in the wisdom of other women, and from taking in the collective field that formed because we came together with open hearts.
The next day, I felt grief rise up, a grief of both fearing and desiring to open my heart fully in relationship. When I was with my late husband, I wasn’t as aware and conscious. I opened my heart at the level I could, and he was deeply respectful and loving.
As I’ve become more conscious, and now know the love that is inherent in a woman, I long to be partnered with someone I can open to in this way; someone whose touch is reverent; someone who wants to love the fullness and power of womanhood, not a muted form of it.
This grief was raw, not reasonable nor rational. It lasted through the evening and into the early morning hours. And then, as it moved through, I could see the innermost space of the heart is only for the divine. It is a place that is solely for the divine, a place that when I honor its sanctity, I feel more tenderness and love for myself. When I honor the inner sanctity of the heart, I open to myself with love, and in turn, open to another.
Knowing this sanctity, I have the full power and awareness to say, “No”, to any touch that is irreverent…including my own touch to myself.
I climbed out of bed and felt serenity and a kind of deep peace with everything as it was and is. I took a walk in the sun, a long walk. I was out longer than expected. As I headed toward home, knowing I would immediately hop on a two-hour call when I walked in the door, I checked my email by phone to check-in to anything I needed to respond to.
A Gift
There in my email was this gift: a comment left on the blog about the leap day call and what followed from listening to it.
“I listened to your wonderful Leap Day call last night, and I wanted to share the beautiful spontaneous loving experience I had. Just shortly before starting the call, I had put warm grapeseed oil, on my hair. I’ve been using pure grapeseed oil as a body moisturizer, after the shower. It’s quite lovely. As I was listening to the call, I was massaging the oil into my hair and scalp, which then turned into massaging my neck, and my face. It felt so wonderful, that before long, I retreived the bottle of grapeseed oil, and was massaging oil onto all of my body. It was such a beautiful experience. Sitting here, in the candlelight, listening to your beautiful voice, and feeling energetically connected to all women, and loving my own body, so tenderly and compassionately. What a beautiful gift.
Something has been shifting in me lately. For a long long time, I have felt that it is unsafe to be female…to be a woman. And so I have been hiding my femininity…my beauty. I had become hard, because it felt like the only way to survive. But lately, after much hard work and soul-searching, I have been feeling a softening happening, along with the wisdom that I now know how to keep myself safe. I have been allowing my femininity to re-surface, and it is such a glorious feeling.
The loving self massage was yet, another turning point, in me accepting myself, and my feminine nature. And a powerful message revealed itself to me. I have been craving physical touch lately. Not just any physical touch, but the wondrous touch of another who adores me, and sees my inherent beauty. It has been a long time, since I felt the tender touch of a lover’s hand on my skin, and I’m quite certain that I’ve never felt it, in the way that I deserve to. This need has been an ever-present companion, in my thoughts, and yet, it felt like there was still a wall between me and receiving this loving touch. There was. It was me. I was not treating myself, and my body, in a way that expressed love and tenderness…and yet, I wanted another to do just that. I was expecting someone else to do what I wasn’t willing to do….to love myself, love my body, love all of me, just as I am. To adore and nurture, treasure and cherish me.”
I was struck by the synchronicity of our experiences. She was listening to the recording, which opened her to a powerful revelation about her own self worth and healing. She was learning to touch herself with love and reverence.
During that same evening, I was opening to the sanctity of my own heart, and of my connection to the divine, also desiring to be loved and touched again with reverence.
Women healing women healing women…all being healed by the flow of the divine creation that flows through women.
There is something powerfully healing in women that is needed in our world. It is this love. It is this creativity. It is this vulnerability and willingness to share with the world.
This is how we create.
When we offer ourselves and our creations to the world, trusting that each one is exactly what the wisdom of life is pulsing to share with the world, healing happens. Love happens. Connection happens. Relationship happens.
How powerful it is to align with this wise, sacred creative force.
So, I want to know.
What creation wants to be born through you?
What might it take to trust deeply enough in yourself and in the life moving through you to create it?
I know there are voices that tell you differently – both inside you and outside of you. I know this.
AND, the creation wants to be born anyway, does it not?
Can you feel it?
Can you give way to your creation and allow it to flow through you into a world that is so hungry for this sacred, wise love?
I know what flows through you has a direct effect on me, on the world, on life.
At the heart of it all, this power is creation itself.
Do whatever you need to do in your life to honor what wants to be born and give birth to it.
I am, right now, taking in a spoonful of this medicine. I have something very important that is dying to be born. I’ve allowed it to languish and IÂ can no longer allow this.
I know the power of giving and receiving, and the power of knowing the sanctity of my own heart.
Never has there been a more important time than now to be what you are: a sacred creative being expressing through a woman’s body.
Never has there been a more important time than now to be Unabashedly Female. click to tweet this…
If you’re inspired to listen to the call, I’ve decided to keep the registration open for a few more days so you can have access to the recording. You can sign-up here.

Over the top powerful. The way it should be. I have been experiencing this longing as well, for physical touch, to be loved the way I should be, the way I guess I never have been. The more I tap into this feminine wisdom, the more I can’t help but experience a fear and sadness as if this separates me from so many, so many who refuse to feel and recognize this divine sense of self and others. This level of LOVE we are capable of sharing. Though, despite that disconnect, this is a love and connection stronger than any I’ve ever felt before. I recognize I have a choice here, and I choose THIS, this love, this divinity, this glorious flow I carry not alone, like the ultimate torch, that is sacredly passed between us. xo
This is so beautiful, Julie, this “women healing women healing women.” This deep well of love/creativity. Since last year I’ve been facilitating women’s creative wisdom circles, and I’ve been absolutely stunned by the level of love and healing that flows from and to us by simply sharing our stories and creating together. It takes my breath away. I didn’t realize until recently what a deep hunger it was, for me and so many other women. And like you say, for the world.
Ooh, Patty, I would love to learn more about facilitating groups such as these. This recognition for this hunger is new for me as well. xo
Thank you Julie, for nestling my comment within this beautiful post. I am deeply honored. I have been moving through such grief and sadness, over the last few years, as I release old memories and patterns that were created, that kept me outside my own feminine power…that kept me away from even recognizing what feminine power and wisdom looked like. It has been a long journey, for me, as it has been for all women. And lately, I have been feeling a major shift happening. It is as though an opening has been created, finally. Perhaps enough women (and men) are healing and understanding and listening, and that is tipping the balance…creating this opening for us to stand in our power and wisdom. Our loving, strong, creative, nurturing feminine power. For the first time ever, I feel that there is a possibility. I feel so blessed to be be a woman in these amazing and wondrous times, and to be in the company of such amazing and powerful women, in my life. And for the first time, in a long time, I feel the possibility of a lover/partner for me, who will share with me a Divine love, understanding and respect for each other. It’s amazing the mountains we can move when we are willing to heal ourselves and allow that healing to move out into the world. Blessings to you all.